Semrush vs Moz: Which is the Best SEO Tool?

Semrush vs Moz: Which SEO Tool is Better?

For about 8 months after launching Startup Cafe Digital (my agency business), I genuinely believed that free SEO tools were all I needed to help me crush it in both business and blogging.

To be fair, we weren't offering SEO services back then like we do now, but we were helping our clients with content creation and content marketing.

My team and I would register for free trials with Semrush and Moz, and of course, rely heavily on the free Keyword Planner tool from Google Ads for keyword research and content planning.

But eventually, I hit a wall in my agency journey where just relying on Keyword Planner and trial runs of Semrush and Moz wasn't cutting it anymore.

Having been impressed with Moz and Semrush, I finally decided to take the plunge and invest in Moz, and a few months later, Semrush for keyword and competition analysis.

Up until then, I didn't even realize what I was missing out on.

With tools such as Semrush and Moz, you get to take your SEO game up a notch and come out with truly astounding results for your blog, business, and clients.

If you're reading this, then you're probably deciding whether to invest in one of these SEO tools.

You may have tried the free version of one of these or both these SEO tools and are now considering whether it's worth upgrading to the full version.

Well, you've come to the right place.

Even if you've never tried any of these SEO tools, please read this post to learn more about their features and how you can leverage the power of these tools to improve your site's search rankings.

In this post, I'll compare two of the most popular SEO tools on the market and see how they compete against each other on features, ease-of-use, and pricing.

Semrush vs Moz (at a Glance)

Here's a quick snapshot of the two tools — for an in-depth comparison, go through the whole article.

Winner and Best Overall

Semrush isn't just a tool for me — it's my SEO sidekick! From elevating my blogs to powering our agency's client strategies, its features are game-changers. If you're looking to turbocharge your business or blogging journey, Semrush is your ticket to the top.

Since co-founder Rand Fishkin's exit from Moz, there's been a noticeable dip in the value proposition of Moz Pro. I'd suggest giving the 30-day free trial of Moz a shot and then deciding if it's worth investing in.

Product Rating:
Product Rating:
Starts at $139.95/mo
Starts at $99/mo
  • Extensive keyword research capabilities
  • Detailed site audit features
  • Competitive analysis insights
  • Backlink tracking and analysis
  • Content optimization recommendations
  • Advertising and PPC data insights
  • Widely recognized proprietary metric for domain strength
  • Useful for optimizing local business listings
  • Browser extension gives instant SEO insights
  • Moz's Q&A forum and blogs are resources for learning and support
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Higher cost compared to some alternatives
  • Access to historical data requires higher-tier plans
  • Expensive for the features offered
  • Data is not as accurate or updated as Semrush
  • Limited keyword and backlink data
  • Cluttered UI
  • Reporting feature lacks depth.
Winner and Best Overall

Semrush isn't just a tool for me — it's my SEO sidekick! From elevating my blogs to powering our agency's client strategies, its features are game-changers. If you're looking to turbocharge your business or blogging journey, Semrush is your ticket to the top.

Product Rating:
Starts at $139.95/mo
  • Extensive keyword research capabilities
  • Detailed site audit features
  • Competitive analysis insights
  • Backlink tracking and analysis
  • Content optimization recommendations
  • Advertising and PPC data insights
  • Can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Higher cost compared to some alternatives
  • Access to historical data requires higher-tier plans

Since co-founder Rand Fishkin's exit from Moz, there's been a noticeable dip in the value proposition of Moz Pro. I'd suggest giving the 30-day free trial of Moz a shot and then deciding if it's worth investing in.

Product Rating:
Starts at $99/mo
  • Widely recognized proprietary metric for domain strength
  • Useful for optimizing local business listings
  • Browser extension gives instant SEO insights
  • Moz's Q&A forum and blogs are resources for learning and support
  • Expensive for the features offered
  • Data is not as accurate or updated as Semrush
  • Limited keyword and backlink data
  • Cluttered UI
  • Reporting feature lacks depth.
Lasso Brag

Key Takeaways

  • Semrush stands out for comprehensive keyword research, site audits, competitive analysis, and backlink tracking, with a vast database of over 20 billion keywords.
  • Moz offers strong domain and page authority metrics, valuable for optimizing local listings and providing free SEO insights through its browser extension.
  • Both tools are excellent, but Semrush is recommended for its extensive features and accurate data, making it a favorite among SEO professionals and agencies.
  • Pricing reflects the value, with Semrush starting at $139.95/month and Moz at $99/month. The premium nature of Semrush pricing plans is justified by its broader capabilities and more accurate data.
  • Free trials are available for both tools, allowing users to explore features before committing.

What is Semrush?

What is Semrush

Just giving a search on Google with the keywords "SEO tools" will show you exactly how complicated and crammed up the SEO world is.

There's a tidal wave of resources out there and while most of these tools are loaded with features, they can make our lives complicated.

But most bloggers, SEO professionals, and digital marketing agencies will agree that Semrush probably provides the best bang for buck.

I use Semrush for pretty much everything I do. I use it to find new keyword opportunities, do backlink analysis, fix site issues, and to spy on competitors' keywords.

At Startup Cafe, we use Semrush to help our clients rank better in search engines for competitive keywords and check data on how their competitors are utilizing SEO and SEM.

If you know the current state of SEO, you know just how important long-tail keywords and low-competition keywords are. And that's exactly the kind of data Semrush provides.

In fact, Semrush has the largest keyword database in the industry (over 25 billion keywords) and you can easily obtain thousands of keyword variations for your target keywords.

Semrush Stats and Facts

Semrush is also second to none when it comes to providing the most accurate search volume data for keywords.

Whether you're using it to improve the SEO of your posts or to bolster your Google Ads campaigns, you can rely on Semrush to present the most accurate and relevant metrics for your target keywords.

How to Use Semrush

If you've never tried Semrush before, then you can read this section to know how to start. Others can skip this part of the post and move on to the next section to read the rest of the article.

To get started, you'll need an active Semrush account. If you don't have one, you can register for a free Semrush account using the link below.

This will give you free access to the Semrush PRO plan for 14 days.

Try Semrush PRO free for 2 weeks

Once you've registered and logged into the Semrush dashboard, you'll find the default search bar like the one shown below. If you'd like data on SEO traffic, navigate to Organic Research from the main navigation menu.

Semrush Dashboard

Next, you can type the domain name of your competitor to see the keywords they are ranking for. For this example, I plugged in the Semrush website to examine the keywords they are currently ranking for.

The results for your search should look something like this:

Semrush Organic Research Report

Scroll down till you find the Top Organic Keywords section and click "View all" to see all the organic keywords of the target domain.

Semrush Organic Positions Report

The next step is to set filters to find the top 10 keywords for which your competitor is ranking for (this is just an example. You can set any parameters you deem fit for your competitive analysis).

If you're analyzing a large website, make sure the monthly search volume for these keywords is at least 1,000+. Once you've applied the filters, the results page should look something like this:

Semrush - Filtered Keywords

Once you have the data for the top 10 keywords that your competition is ranking for, you can optimize your own keyword strategy and content to make sure your website ranks well for each of these 10 keywords.

In some cases, your competition may already be a big player in the market with several backlinks and other SEO factors to back them up.

In such cases, what you can do is chase 'low-hanging fruits' aka long-tail keywords with low-to-medium competition.

These are the keywords where the search volume is low, but the traffic is high since there is little to no competition.

For example, let's say you own a meditation retreat in Singapore and you'd like to increase the search traffic to your website.

Instead of trying to optimize your site for the keywords 'meditation retreat', you can optimize your site for keywords 'buddhist meditation retreat in singapore' which is a long-tail keyword with low search volume, but good traffic.

The best part about Semrush is that you can check not just Google ranking results, but also Bing.

You can also check how your website and your competitors are ranking in over 120 countries.

Semrush Organic Research Report

With the paid version of Semrush, you get the following features:

  • Site Audit – This is one of the best features that Semrush offers. You can do a site audit to find and fix the issues with your website. Semrush offers 'health percentage' of your site and notifies you via email whenever the health percentage of your site is at risk.
Semrush vs Moz: Semrush Site Audit Report
  • Position Tracking – The Semrush Position Tracking tool is widely recognized as the most accurate position tracking tool on the market. With the pro version of Semrush, you can select up to 500 keywords and see how your website is ranking on search engines for these keywords. You can frequently monitor your site's search visibility on both desktop and mobile, and take the necessary steps to optimize your rankings for critical keywords.
Semrush Position Tracking Report
  • Backlink Audit – With the Backlink Audit tool, you can conduct deep link analysis and identify toxic backlinks that may be hurting your site's rankings. Semrush also sends you email alerts whenever the tool spots suspicious backlinks. Once you've identified all the toxic backlinks to your site, you can use Semrush to create a disavow file, which you can then submit to Google Search Console.
Semrush - Backlink Audit Toxic Score Report
  • SEO Reports – If you run an agency, you know the importance of sharing weekly reports with your clients to track progress towards your goals. Semrush has the best reporting features amongst all premium SEO tools. You can choose from any of the ready-made report templates the tool offers, and all reports can be exported as PDFs.
Semrush SEO Report Templates

You can even schedule PDF reports to be sent to you via email at regular intervals.

Scheduled reports are available even with the most basic plan ($139.95/mo).

With the Guru plan ($249.95/mo), you can create branded reports by placing your company logo and name at the top of each report to give a personal touch to your SEO reports.

With the Business plan ($449.95), you can take it to the next level by creating white label PDF reports by customizing the look and feel of your reports.

You can do all these and more with a PRO subscription of Semrush.

My suggestion would be to first try their free 2-week trial and use all these features yourself.

I personally use Semrush's Guru plan ($249.95/mo) because of the higher limits and the fact that you get access to Semrush's Content Marketing toolkit. This toolkit includes 6 amazing content marketing tools to help level up your content and beat your organic competitors in SERPs.

To learn more about Semrush's Content Marketing Toolkit, refer to this in-depth guide on Semrush's content marketing features.

Verdict: Semrush is a top-notch SEO tool, which is used and trusted by SEO gurus throughout the world. If this is the first time you're investing in an SEO software, then Semrush is the tool you should opt for because it allows you to perform advanced SEO tasks with ease.

From keyword research to competitive analysis to technical SEO audit, you can trust Semrush to arm you with useful data to help you rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). In other words, you'll be improving your site's SEO by leaps and bounds.

Is it worth paying over $100 a month? Yes, and it's worth every penny. When used to its potential, the ROI is pretty strong with this one.

Sign up for Semrush

What is Moz?

Moz Pro

Started way back in 2004 by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig, Moz first started as an SEO consulting company before they developed their first SEO tool.

Rand Fishkin is immensely popular in the SEO community, and deservedly so. His Whiteboard Friday videos are a must-watch and his brilliant book Lost and Founder should be required reading for all entrepreneurs and marketers.

Though Fishkin is no longer at Moz (he left the company in 2018 to launch SparkToro), he's still in the board of directors and an integral part of the company and its ethos.

I'm a big fan of Rand Fishkin and his content. He's one of the few SEO thought leaders who can be considered an influencer.

But when it comes to Moz's flagship SEO tools, I've mixed feelings.

Like Semrush, Moz is an all-purpose SEO tool that you can use for site audit, backlink analysis, keyword research, and so on.

But that's where the similarities end.

Read on to learn about my reservations about spending $100 a month on Moz.

Sign up for Moz

How to Use Moz

To get started, let's talk about some of the good things that Moz offers.

The best part about Moz is that pretty much everything good about it is FREE.

So if you're on a shoestring budget and don't want to invest in SEO tools yet, but still want to ensure that your site ranks well, then the free services offered by Moz are industry standard.

All of these tools below are free and you can use them to improve the search visibility of your site:

  • Link Explorer – You can track your link profile and uncover link building opportunities using this free tool
  • Keyword Explorer – Helps you find the best keywords in your niche
  • MozBar – Perhaps the best among free tools offered by Moz, MozBar is a Google Chrome extension that offers you a glimpse into any site's Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA), both crucial metrics, on a regular basis.

Your site's PA and DA change on a monthly basis, so it's important to keep a watchful eye on how your site is measured in these terms. Moreover, you can perform keyword research and link analysis of the sites you visit right from the browser bar (like shown below) without having to access the dashboard. You can get your MozBar Chrome extension for free here.


If you're using Moz for free, then you can perform up to 3 searches per day. For the example below, I gave a search on "" to find their DA and PA and to get a fair idea about their backlink profile.

Moz DA Stats

Now to the part that isn't that good.

Having been impressed with the free services offered by Moz, I decided to take the plunge for paid subscription and found myself a little underwhelmed.

I didn't mind paying the $99 per month price for standard subscription as long as the tools offered were worth that sum.

Being a fan of Rand Fishkin, I so wanted to like Moz Pro, but it fell short of my expectations.

I found myself using it less and less and canceled the subscription to look for better and cheaper alternatives.

Having said that, Moz by no means is a bad SEO tool.

I still use their free tools such as Link Explorer and MozBar for SEO to keep a track of my sites' PA and DA.

Moreover, Moz has some incredible SEO and content marketing resources that you can check out for free here.

If you're a beginner, then Moz has some of the best resources that you can read to familiarize yourself with SEO tactics. Moz's Beginner's Guide to SEO is perhaps the best SEO resource if you'd like to learn the basics of SEO.

They also have an amazing blog that I visit regularly.

Whiteboard Friday, a video series featuring started by co-founder Rand Fishkin, is something that you should tune in to every week.

But if you were to ask me if I would ever subscribe to Moz Pro again for $99/month, my answer would be No.

I'd like to emphasize that this is my personal experience with Moz.

There are people who swear by Moz and they may be able to elaborate more on the paid services offered by Moz. Perhaps they've been able to spend more time with the tool and used it to its full potential.

For me, everything good offered by Moz is free and if you had to invest in an SEO tool, I'd recommend Semrush.

Semrush vs Moz: Which SEO Tool Should You Buy?

If you were to compare the free tools offered by each of these platforms, both have their own strengths and limitations. But if we were to compare the features offered under paid subscriptions, then I'd highly recommend Semrush over Moz.

I use Semrush for pretty much every SEO task that I do. Not just for my own blogs, but also for my agency business where we offer SEO services to our clients.

In my opinion, Semrush is a must-have tool if you want to grow your business as well as your blogging career.

The sheer amount of data available on Semrush can be overwhelming at times, but they have excellent training materials and product guides to help you every step of the way.

Their support team is really helpful and they organize weekly webinars that you can participate in to hone your SEO skills.

Moz, on the other hand, is expensive for the features it offers.

The best thing to do would be to try the free 30-day trial of Moz and probably then decide to take a plunge if you like the product.

Like I said, your experience with the product may differ and you may find value in the paid services which they offer.

On the other hand, if you had to invest in a powerful SEO tool, then Semrush has all the features you need and more. Give it a try!

Moz vs Semrush: Pricing

In this section, we'll briefly examine the pricing plans offered by both these tools.

Moz Pricing

Moz Pro Pricing Plans

These are the Moz Pro pricing plans as of August 2020:

  • Standard – $99/mo (ideal for beginners)
  • Medium – $179/mo (ideal for startups)
  • Large – $249/mo (ideal for small businesses and agencies)
  • Premium – $999/mo (ideal for large agencies and businesses)

Note: You can save 20% by switching to annual pricing.

Sign up for Moz

Semrush Pricing

Semrush Pricing Plans

Semrush increased their prices in mid-2024. This is the current Semrush pricing structure:

  • Pro – $139.95/mo (ideal for startups and bloggers)
  • Guru – $249.95/mo (ideal for SMBs and marketing agencies)
  • Business – $499.95/mo (ideal for enterprise and large businesses)

Note: You can save up to 17% by switching to annual billing.

Try Semrush Pro free for 14 days

Final Verdict: Semrush vs Moz

I've had a fantastic experience using Semrush. I couldn't recommend it highly enough. Having said that, I'd like you to approach these tools without any preconceived notions and form your own judgment in deciding which tool is more suited for your business and website.

Which is why I'd urge you to try these tools for at least two weeks, or maybe even a month, before forming an opinion.

Luckily, you can grab a free trial of both these tools and get access to most of their top features.

Sign up for Semrush

Sign up for Moz

To summarize this post, here's a visual breakdown of how Semrush compares with Moz on key parameters:

Semrush vs Moz: Visual Breakdown

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Semrush better than Moz?

Yes, Semrush is often considered better than Moz for its extensive keyword research capabilities, detailed site audits, competitive analysis tools, and accurate backlink tracking. Its broad database and precise data analytics offer deeper insights for optimizing SEO strategies.

2. What is the difference between Moz and Semrush?

The main difference between Moz and Semrush lies in their focus and breadth of features. Moz is known for its domain and page authority metrics, making it useful for beginners and those focused on local SEO and link building strategies. It offers a user-friendly interface and valuable educational resources.

Semrush, on the other hand, provides a more complete suite of SEO tools, including robust keyword research features, comprehensive site audits, competitive analysis, and backlink monitoring features. It also boasts a larger keyword database and offers more in-depth data analytics, making it better suited for advanced SEO professionals and agencies looking for detailed insights and actionable intelligence to enhance their SEO strategies.

3. Are there any free trials available for Semrush and Moz?

Both Semrush and Moz offer free trials, allowing users to explore their features before making a financial commitment. Semrush offers a 14-day free trial, while Moz provides a 30-day free trial.

4. How does Semrush's keyword database compare to Moz's?

Semrush boasts the largest keyword database in the industry with over 20 billion keywords, offering thousands of keyword variations and detailed search volume data. Moz also provides a robust keyword research tool, but Semrush's database is more extensive and provides deeper insights.

5. What are the pricing plans for Semrush and Moz, and how do they compare?

Semrush's pricing starts at $139.95/month for the Pro plan, with higher-tier plans available for advanced users. Moz's pricing begins at $99/month for the Standard plan, with options for larger businesses and agencies. Semrush's higher pricing is reflective of its more comprehensive features and larger keyword database.

6. Which tool is better for backlink analysis, Semrush or Moz?

Semrush is generally considered better for backlink analysis due to its extensive backlink tracking and analysis features, along with the ability to identify and disavow toxic links. Moz also offers backlink analysis tools, but Semrush provides more detailed insights and actionable data.

7. Can Semrush and Moz help with local SEO?

Moz is particularly useful for optimizing local business listings due to its focus on local SEO tools and metrics. Semrush also offers features for local SEO, but Moz's tools are specifically designed to improve visibility in local search results.

8. How do Semrush and Moz support content marketing efforts?

Semrush supports content marketing with its Content Marketing Toolkit, offering tools for content creation, optimization, and performance tracking. Moz provides insights into keyword opportunities and SEO optimization, but Semrush offers a more comprehensive suite of tools for content marketers.

9. Can I use Moz for free?

Yes, you can use Moz for free, especially through its MozBar tool. MozBar is a free browser extension that provides instant SEO insights about websites, including metrics like Page Authority and Domain Authority.

10. Which SEO tool is best?

Among the plethora of SEO tools available, Semrush consistently ranks as the top choice for many SEO professionals and digital marketers due to its comprehensive array of features.

Moz, once at the forefront of SEO tools, now finds itself outpaced by competitors like Ahrefs and SE Ranking. Ahrefs is renowned for its robust backlink analysis features, while SE Ranking, while SE Ranking offers a versatile, all-in-one SEO platform for detailed website audits, keyword tracking, and competitive analysis.

Google's own suite of tools, like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, also provides essential data for SEO at no cost.

Editor's Note: This article was first published on June 3, 2016 and has been updated regularly since then for relevance and comprehensiveness. 

If you're an existing Semrush user, here are some resources you can check out to make the best use of your Semrush subscription:

Here are some more comparison posts featuring Semrush that you may find useful:


  1. I like both tools, but I agree that Moz Pro is not worth the $99 price tag. Another tool I really like is Monitor Backlinks. Thanks to this post though, I will take a deeper look at SEM Rush.

  2. Sandeep , thank you for such detailed review! Currently i used many SEO tools for my website. So i always thinking what are the best seo tools? Currenly, my 2 most favourite SEO tools are: SemRush and Free SEO Cost Calculator.

  3. […] SEMrush vs Moz – We compare two of the best SEO tools in terms of features, ease-of-use and value for money.  […]

  4. We are only familiar only SemRush SEO tool. Provide the awesome functionality and features for SEO users.
    It is the best tool to check online traffic.

  5. For both SEMRush & MOZ – do either of these SEO tools crawl the Google or Bing Results??? If not, then how accurate can they be?

  6. Hi Sandeep, it's really fantastic job . You just eased the work for any SEO professional. Some tools i am already used but will try on the rest which appeared new for me. You can also add "SEO Tools Check" to your list as i got it too useful and it is 100% free . You can check it at I hope you to continue the job ahead. Thanks

  7. Awesome list man!

    I'm using Serpstat's $20/mo plan and Moz tools. Moz tools are my favorite but they give small margin of error.

    • Hi Charles – Not sure if it was you I connected with on Reddit a few weeks back. Anyway, I got to try SERPstat and I must say I'm impressed. Couldn't explore all the features because of time constraint, but it's definitely an SEO tool worth paying for. I'm currently working on a resource page which will include 100+ blogging tools that I recommend. Will include SERPstat in that and will let you once the page is live.


  8. We are only familiar only SemRush SEO tool. Provide the awesome functionality and features for SEO users.
    It is the best tool to check online traffic.

  9. In the last few years, SEO has grown simultaneously with Internet. Currently, there are several competent online marketing services that provide clients with proficient SEO services.

  10. Really appreciate the article since I'm evaluating both tools right now. I met the SEMrush team at Inbound16 in Boston this year. I also had a chance to see Rand Fishkin speak at the same conference. He did a great job. Rand threw up a comparison slide briefly that showed Moz had the following discovery options where SEMrush had just #3 and #7.

    1. Search Suggest
    2. People also search for
    3. Similar pages rank for…
    4. emantically Connected terms
    5. Topically-related searches
    6. Questions containing these keywords
    7. AdWord (Commercial) suggestions

    This was in November 2016. Has anything new been added to SEMrush? I'm having a hard time trying to compare each tools features in an apple-to-apple manner. Thanks for any help!

    • Hi Aaron – Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this article. It's been a while since I used Moz Pro, so I wouldn't know much about their new features. Going by what you've said, I guess it's time to re-evaluate their tool and update this article…🙂

      SEMrush has also tweaked a few of their existing features and introduced a few new ones. I find their "SEO Ideas" feature to be especially useful. This is where they suggest ideas to improve the search engine rankings of your post/page. Ideas such as what keywords/LSI keywords you should use and which sites you should approach for backlinks. In addition to this, their backlink audit feature which was in beta mode all this while has improved significantly. While it's still not as good as Ahrefs' backlink audit tool, it's certainly better than what Moz offers.

      Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


  11. Hey Sandeep, Very nice review done. Actually I had used SEMrush trial version and its really nice and useful tool. But few feature you shared in this article which i am not used. But i am glad you shared this detailed review with us. Once again, thanks for sharing

  12. I have used both Moz & SEMRush.. But I have tried only free versions.

    Currently using 'SEO SPYGLASS', this is also a free version. This is also helpful!

    I have never looked into a depth about these tools. What helped for me is, I just gather all the data in one sheet and create a report on that and send to clients.

  13. Hello Sandeep,

    Thanks for this great Post. I am using Semrush from past few months and It is really a great tool to find quality and high performing keywords for my blog. I highly recommend it to others.

  14. Hey, Sandeep Great Comparison. As you know free versions are very limited and I am not sure which one I should go with. Which one is more damn accurate

  15. Hi! Thanks – so comprehensive and clear!
    Could you also explain me the difference between these tools and SERPstat? In a few words
    Ut seems to me like they have the same features, but the difference in prices is huge

  16. I'm a long time user of Moz Pro and recently subscribed to SEMRush. I was comparing the results for both and I found a huge discrepancy in the number of backlinks for the root domain: . Moz reports 4.5k Total External Inbound Links, while SEMRush reported 70 Total Backlinks. I know numbers won't exactly match between the two tools, but I can't figure out this large discrepancy. Will appreciate any help!

  17. This is a good blog post Sandeep. I was reading some of the comments and someone mentioned the support at Moz is not that friendly and I found that is true from my experience. I believe the one major asset that SEMRush has is the excellent telephone support which is just about impossible to find now a days especially with these SEO tools. Moz just has email support which will require the waiting of a few hours and hopefully the support person totally understands your question so they provide the most applicable answer or you have to start all over again. The people at SEMRush answer the phone within seconds and are very polite, friendly and knowledgeable. There is no questions about it, SEMRush has the best support of any of these other SEO tool companies. Needless to say their tool is excellent and they are always making improvements. Moz was the hot tool to use years ago when there was not much competition but all that has changed. I will take SEMRush any day of the week!

  18. I just signed up for SEMRush, Moz Pro and Ahrefs. So far SEMRush and Ahrefs blow the socks off Mos Pro. The Moz interface is clean but the statistics are dramatically off the other two services and there really aren't any tools that seperate it from the pack , in fact it probably offers the least functionality out of the three plans for the price. Disappointed in Moz!

  19. Best Article for newbie. Thanks.I am Like Semrush It is really a Helpful tool to rank my business website all time.

  20. I am finally still confused about semrush and ahref…As ahref is offering backlinks checker of any particular post.So can you suggest me which 1 is better and cheaper

  21. Great comparison Sandeep! Both tools are great. But I've found myself using semrush more and more lately.Keep up the good work SANDEEP……

  22. […] SEMrush vs Moz: A Detailed Comparison of Key Features […]

  23. Nice,
    These both Semrush and Moz are the best tool i am using Semrush for my blog. I love this content and also your writing skill.

  24. I've used both for 30 days, i found 30 day trials.

    At the end, SEMrush was the best option.

    I felt it was so much cleaner and organized in the back office.

    In Moz I kept forgetting where things were and spent so much time looking for things that I felt should have been right in front of you, like in SEMrush.

  25. I prefer SEMrush for their project management tools and use MOZ for the toolbar, which is handy when you're checking out websites for link or scoping out the competition in search results. They both have their uses.

  26. I personally prefer semrush over moz. In fact I always use SEMRUSH for my client websites too. It's really a great SEO tool.
    Anyways, Your comparison is good. Thank you for the brief comparison of both the tools.

  27. I honestly found not much value in using Moz. I'm a paid customer of SEMRush and did pay for Moz, but I just couldn't justify the price of Moz for I found very little value

  28. Hi Sandeep thanks for the article.

    We use moz but have been considering moving away because of the exchange rate and the price increased a couple of months back – Moz Pro Medium $179. (I can send you the updated prices if you want).

    There is a lot to like about this tool, but their focus is US and the Keyword explorer only half works if you live in another country, making it difficult to spy on competitors or even do keyword research. We end up using Google Keyword tool for our research and then plug it into moz, which is not ideal.

    I think location based functionality is a consideration that most people overlook. Once you have spent a couple of months investing money and time in any system, it makes it harder to move even if you are unable to use the tool to its full capabilities.

    We are going to sign up for a free trial on SEMRush to do our own comparison.

  29. Both the tools are very important for seo experts to analysis of website ranking and overall traffic of website. You gave such gud points of comparison.Keep sharing more on SEO updates.

  30. Great article, thanks Sandeep.
    Have you heard of any keyword research (which isn't Google's one) and competitor analysis that has New Zealand search data?
    According to you article, SEM Rush doesn't.


    • Since this article was last updated, SEMrush has added the New Zealand search data. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully, the next time you check this article, I'd have added the new screenshot.

  31. Very good article! I have used Moz and Semrush both but find Semrush more useful than Moz especially for backlinks and Competitor Analysis. You have highlighted some of the features which I have never used in these tools because I was not aware of those. Thank you so much for sharing…

  32. Thanks, I was trying to confirm my sticking with SEMrush instead of Moz. I had come to a similar conclusion about features, and that SEM was a more complete package. This was helpful validation. Sometimes it can feel like you should be using EVERY tool, but I feel like SEMRush is very all-encompassing, and free tools can make up for whatever else.

  33. I am using Semrush from past few months and It is really a great tool to find quality and high performing keywords for my blog. Thank you

  34. Wow! A much needed comparison for the community. I like the way you have crafted the entire post without being biased. It really matters, because I have seen many experts who give biased comparison – I sometimes feel they have lost the race. Great!!!

  35. Hey Sandeep ,
    This is a detailed guide about semrush. I ave been using ahref for a few months. But after reading this article I have found semrush very useful. So I am going to give it a try. Thanks for writing such amazing stuff.

  36. Moz provide their scores at X , and Semrush typically provide at 2X.
    We've checked many domains , if Moz = 20 then Semrush ~40.
    We've contacted both Semrush and Moz about this and neither explain why their overall scores for domains are 2x apart.

  37. SEMrush provides a lot of data relating not just to SEO, but PPC too — if you want a tool that covers both areas, it's a much better option than Moz. It's easier to identify and output toxic links with SEMrush.

  38. Hey Sandeep,

    I totally agree with you. I also found semrush to be more effective over Moz. Again in no way moz is bad. In fact their free services offered are best in the market.

    Thank you for writing this nice article. It was very useful.

    Keep writing and shining!!!!!

  39. Hey Sandeep,

    I have been using Ahrefs for a while but after reading your article I found that Semrush is much more helpful in the case of Content marketing and SEO.

    I would like to give it a try to Semrush.

  40. I did not have a good experience with SemRush… and move to Moz.
    After reading your article and forum feedback, I should give SemRush another try…

  41. Hi Sandeep,

    Thanks for your in-depth SEMRush Vs Moz comparison. I have been blogging since 2015 and would like to take my profession to the next level. Hence, I'm looking for an ideal tool to tweak my organic presence by giving an SEO boost to my blogs. Your great insights helped me chose the right tool and yes, I want to get SEMRush after reading your content.

  42. Good read and comparison, what about doing a comparison with some of the lower end tools, which are slowly catching up to the bread and butter SEO tools – SEM – AHREFS – MOZ ETC.

    Seranking – Ubbers Etc

  43. By going through your article, I'm impressed with Semrush. It is more user-friendly and gives quite accurate data.

    Thanks Sandeep for the detailed information.


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