Fraud Blocker

    Lifetime deal

    Prevent fraudulent and accidental clicks from draining your Google Ads spend

    Bots aren’t just sending you fake Instagram follow requests—they’re also clicking on your Google Ads. (“The robot takeover is actually really boring. And expensive.”)

    And unfortunately, all those fraudulent clicks are tanking your ad performance and bleeding your marketing budget dry.

    That's why you need a powerful fraud prevention solution to keep the bots and bad players away from your ads.

    Introducing Fraud Blocker.


    too long didn't read
    Stop fraudulent clicks from bots, competitors, and click farms from draining ad spend on Google Ads campaigns
    Calculate your Fraud Score to identify and automatically block fraudulent IP addresses



    Fraud Blocker is a powerful tool that helps you prevent bots, accidental clicks, and other fraud from tanking your Google Ads.

    Fraud Blocker uses a unique scoring system to analyze website visitors and determine your real-time fraud score.

    This score helps you identify fraudulent or invalid sources of ad traffic, like malicious bots or click farms.

    You'll be able to constantly track excessive click frequency, misleading referral data, high ratios of IP addresses to device IDs, and loads of other data points.

    Plus, you can view fraud scores for individual site visitors based on their IP addresses and device fingerprints.

    Ad Fraud Score

    Generate your Fraud Score to identify fraudulent or invalid traffic to your Google Ads campaigns.

    This tool automatically blocks IP addresses that score poorly, so you'll never let another bad apple slip through the cracks again.

    By connecting your Google Ads account, those bad IP’s will be sent directly to each of your campaign’s exclusion lists in real time.

    That way, both tools know exactly how to prevent your ads from showing up near any bots or fraudsters.

    Block IP addresses

    Connect to your Google Ads account to start blocking fraudulent IP addresses in real time.

    Accidental clicks may not always be malicious, but they can easily drain your ad budget—especially on mobile.

    Luckily, Fraud Blocker can identify which users accidentally click on your ad and immediately leave your website.

    Now this activity won’t count against you in the advertising court, and you can stop wasting your ad spend on these misclicks.

    Block accidental clicks

    Fraud Blocker prevents accidental clicks from draining your ad spend!

    Fraud Blocker even lets you track how much money you’ve saved now that your Google Ads campaigns are safe from bad clicks.

    You can also view your average Fraud Scores, blocked IP addresses, and visitor data like location, device, or recent clicks.

    Best of all, you’ll be able to optimize ad spend across campaigns and outperform your stiffest competition.

    Track savings

    Track how much money you’ve saved over time thanks to Fraud Blocker.

    Don’t waste your money on low quality bot traffic when you could be treating yourself to something nice. ("Aaaand adding another Squishmallow to my cart.")

    Thanks to Fraud Blocker, you can confidently run Google Ads campaigns without losing a single cent to bad clicks.

    Save on ad spend.

    Get lifetime access to Fraud Blocker today!

    From the founders

    Letter From the Founder (November 19, 2023)

    Hello Sumo-lings! 👋

    We’re baaaaaccck!

    This Black Friday event is only our second promotion ever on AppSumo and I wanted to provide you with an update on our business.

    In 2023 we on-boarded more than 3,000 customers and 6,000 domain names to our platform to protect them against ad fraud 🛡️.

    During that time, we shipped 6 major product releases and are well underway to completing our roadmap that I promised during our first promo in Q1 (all of these new features are included to at no additional cost!). We also commissioned an independent study on ad fraud and earned numerous awards from software ratings firm G2 🏆🏆, in no small part to the wonderful 'Sumo community.

    But it hasn't been without its challenges. As our software becomes more complex and we scale up our business, we've received a greater number of feature requests and some clients have experienced bugs. As a result, we've had to deploy more internal resources to help resolve these faster.

    Looking ahead, the holiday shopping season and the upcoming US election are often rife with bots and ad fraud so this may be a great time to test our service if you run ad campaigns on Google. Also, take a look at our roadmap to get a preview of our upcoming features that are all included in your lifetime deal.

    On behalf of myself, my co-founder Brandon and the entire Fraud Blocker team, we truly appreciate your business and for checking out our tool to help you reduce fraud and improve your ad performance.


    Mike Schrobo

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